BOSTON, Nov. 14, 2016 – When it comes to managing your finances — saving money and

spending money wisely — you often need a little help from your family . . . and friends. From

carpooling to shopping in bulk, to neighborhood get-togethers, there are many ways sharing can

reduce costs and, at the same time, provide a positive experience for all involved. Here are 10

ways to share to improve financial health, provided by the Massachusetts Bankers Association.

1. Carpool — Driving to work can be rather grueling and tense if you commute on and off major

highways, interstates or thoroughfares. Finding someone to share your work commute, even

one or two days a week, is an excellent way to reduce costs and build a friendship. But don’t stop

there. Explore carpooling to school, to church and even for shopping trips.

2. Share Meals — The easiest step in saving money is to eat at home rather than at a fast-food

or sit-down restaurant. Although it’s a bit harder to share meals with others, it can greatly cut

grocery bills if once a week you cooked or dined in with a friend, neighbor or extended family

member, with a reciprocal invitation.

3. Use and Share Coupons — Sunday newspapers still promote the fact they contain hundreds of

dollars in coupon savings — well worth the price of the paper once a week. Grocery stores often

have coupons available at the point of purchase. And now you have e-coupons available on your

smartphone. It’s almost a crime not to use a coupon if one is available. To be even more efficient,

share coupons with friends and family. You may have one they want, and vice versa.

4. Comparison Shop — Don’t buy on impulse. Shop around. Compare prices. In today’s digital

world, a quick Google search on your computer or activating an app on your smartphone

can provide competitive prices for the item you want.

5. Make the Most from Your Credit Card — Credit card companies continue to battle each other for

new customers. This means you have more opportunities to choose a favorable credit card. Read

the fine print. Find out if you receive cash back on purchases, if they offer reward points, what the

annual interest is and whether there is an annual fee. Choose wisely. And if a new card is better

than your current one, transfer your balance and cancel the old card.

6. Entertain at Home — Going to a movie now costs $10 or more, with another $20 for a drink and

popcorn. Taking in a concert or meeting friends at a pub or nightclub can be costly as well.

Entertaining at home, from watching movies to playing games to simply sitting on the deck or in

the backyard, costs less and is often more fun. Cutting out one night out a month can save money

and result in a positive experience.

7. Check It Out — The next time you think about buying a new book or movie, visit your

neighborhood library. You will be surprised at how easy it is to find what you want at no

cost. And you can then return the book or movie so someone else can share in the same


8. Pass It On — Large families understand this principle very well. When the first child outgrows his

or her clothes, save them and pass them on to the second child. But why stop there? Share

clothes with other relatives or friends, and ask them to do the same; or donate clothes no longer

wanted to a local thrift store for someone else to wear. If you begin this practice, you most

assuredly will receive many benefits, financial and otherwise.

9. Neighborhood Projects — Every neighborhood has numerous opportunities to work together and

save money. Start a community garden and share the harvest. Lawnmowers are used once or

twice a week at best, and tools sit idly by until needed. Work with neighbors to share equipment,

as well as any repair costs. Share babysitting needs. Explore other ways sharing can build

friendships and financial health.

10. Save Your Change — Finally, try this simple tactic. At the end of the day, take all the change

you’ve collected and put it in a safe place. Ask your entire family to do the same. You will be

pleasantly surprised on how fast your money accumulates. Better yet: Open a “family” savings

account at your local bank and earn interest too.

The Massachusetts Bankers Association represents approximately 160 commercial, savings

and co-operative banks and savings and loan institutions located in Massachusetts and elsewhere in

New England. 


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Massachusetts Bankers Association, Inc.

One Washington Mall, 8th Floor

Boston, MA  02108-2603

Tel: 617-523-7595 / Fax: 617-523-6373 

Twitter: @MaBankersAssoc